
Everyone should feel
safe after dark in our city.

Our objective is to educate Bristol on the procedure of reporting and collecting evidence of drink spiking, to increase the prosecution rates of the people who carry out these crimes.


Our objective is to educate Bristol on the procedure of reporting and collecting evidence of drink spiking, to increase the prosecution rates of the people who carry out these crimes. We want to support you to help you deal with any incidents and provide support to victims.

Drink Spiking Online Training

Our guide provides a comprehensive procedure if you have a drink spiking incident in your venue.

Download the venue guide

We are providing drink testing kits to venues to enable you to immediately identify the presence of drugs in a drink, to help you take rapid action in contacting the Police.

If you have received a testing kit, please take care of them and ensure that your team is able to access them easily in an emergency. Please record any instances of using the kits in your incident book.

Request a drink spiking kit

To request drink testing kits and for any queries or for more information please contact


You can use the print ready poster pack and social media assets below to help us communicate these vital messages to your customers.

Download the venue guide

Download venue poster pack

Download social media assets