

Everyone should feel safe after dark in our city.

Life in Bristol goes on beyond daylight hours, with many of us working, socialising and enjoying the city at night. And yet we know that being out at night can induce anxiety for many people.

This needs to change. But it requires all of us to come together to improve the safety of everyone, at night.

/ Seven Commitments

To support the Women’s Safety Charter, we ask all organisations that operate at night to sign-up to our 7 commitments:

1. Champion

Appoint a named person to champion, support and lead any action.

Find out more about how to be a champion.

2. Communicate

Create a positive communications campaign for the public and staff, both online and in your spaces.

Find out more about how to communicate.

3. Support your staff

Make it clear how to report unacceptable behaviour at work and support cultural change.

Find out more on how to support your staff.

4. Support the public

Communicate to your customers on how to report unacceptable behaviour experienced while using your service or space.

Find out more about how to support the public.

5. Train: Respond

Provide comprehensive training for staff members. Bystander training is key. Include any relevant policies.

Find out more about responding.

6. Train: Record

Provide comprehensive training to all staff on how to record the right information and share important, but confidential, details.

Find out more about recording.

7. Design for safety

Audit your space(s) regularly. Adapt them to create a safer environment and reduce the risk of misconduct.

Find out more about designing for safety.

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